Finding Fit

A small blog website for PE 1 A.Y. 2020-2021 2nd Trimester

About Me
Fitness Index Charts

About Me

Some of the Pre-assessment Questions (as of Feb 26, 2021)

Height (in meters) 1.59m
Weight (in kilograms) 47kg
BMI 18.6
Pulse rate before warm up 78-80 BPM
Gender Female
Shoulder Stretch (Right and Left shoulders)

Fingertips touching

Yes (both shoulders)
Sit & Reach (Best out of 3) 65cm - good
Plank Test (in seconds) 37.53s
Curl up (#of completed curl ups) 25
Curl up (time duration in seconds) 60s
25 Curl ups in 60 seconds: below average
Push up (# of completed push ups) 20
Push up (time duration in seconds) 36s
20 Push ups in 36 seconds: average
Trunk Flexion Test

(what part of the body did you reach? Toes, ankle, or knee?)


Reference to fitness indices.

Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR)

0.75 - Pear shape

(low health risk)

Women with a ratio of 0.8 or below are considered to be pear shaped. People with pear shaped bodies are in the lower risk category for health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some forms of cancer. In pear shaped bodies, fat tends to gather around the hips and buttocks, rather than the waist. This is purely down to genetics. However, The NHS notes that even pears are at higher risk if their waist measurement exceeds 37 inches / 94cm for men, or 31.5 inches / 80cm for women.

— From The Calculator Site

Waist: 64.5cm

Hips: 86.5cm