Finding Fit

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Principles of Fitness Training Design

Creating a fitness training program can fast but it is not guaranteed that it will be effective, efficient, and suitable to the individual who will follow this program. Effective fitness training programs combines various exercise regimes that are aerobic and resistance training exercises, depending on the individual’s goals and needs. It is important to consider the person’s age, gender, and current state of health as well when formulating a program. The following are six links that discuss and suggest dynamic fitness training programs. Included in the list are fitness training programs designed with innovative approaches based on most recent researches, followed by articles that discuss about the basic principles and variables that have been proven to make the most effective programs and have therefore been used over by experts, institutions, and health facilities in creating dynamic resistance training programs.

1. The 7-week fitness program

The 7-week fitness program from Cardiac Exercise Research Group (CERG) of NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology. I found this physical fitness training source from clicking the links suggested in the Results after taking the World Fitness Level test from the last module.

2. 4x4 interval training

4x4 Interval Training from Maria Henningsen on Vimeo.

3. General Fitness Training

Something more basic and classicclassic, taken from the Brain Mac Sports Coach. It suggests fitness training routines that are suitable for a common week’s schedule, with the common office worker’s lifestyle.

4. How to design an effective exercise program

An article from Australian Fitness Academy (AFA), which details the aspects recommended to be considered when designing an exercise program for anyone, even an average person. Not only does it ask for one to design the resistance training program carefully based on the evidence-based fitness design principles, it also reminds to consider the profile of the ‘client’ and to consider the environmental factors and conduct a needs analysis before delving into the exercise design variables. With these, an effective exercise program can be formulated for an average person as well.

5. How to design a program

Training guidelines for strength, power, endurance, hypertrophy and plyometric training from TREK in infographic formats.

6. Program design in resistance training

Here is a detailed and technical article from American College of Sports Medicine’s Health & Fitness Journal that discusses the components and principles considered in creating a dynamic or personalized fitness program that can be remodeled and tailored over time based on the individual’s progression.